Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Why environmental overlays don't work ,

If the reasons why the overlay car has no wheels , were fully explained easily the public would have rejected the idea decades ago when -Overlays  first started to be used to try and locate  " problems".

The first thing to remember is that if you go looking for problems --you will always find them . People on the public payroll do it so easy its a wonder we ain't all broke over it .A better process has a demonstrabale positive focus- not just talk or 'worry" as you might expect people who don't KNOW the environment worry more - more than reasoned resilience scientists do  .
The second thing is that on the surface it sounds reasonable - "we are trying to protect biodiversity and prevent salinization and so on" . The fact is that good decisions here take real expertise and real respect for land managers and without properly trained and accountable interaction the result can be poor ( Name one land manager in the State of Victoria who would sign the performance test  of the authors here )

The clincher is the fact that the 4 headed monsters who have made an industry out of mapmaking  have never been asked by Parliament why they are dumbly  trying to map things that move .

I am not publishing " the answer " to a better way to do bioversity planning till the Government recognise the big problem of this moving feast madness in the first place - all these overlays confuse and conflict , let alone mislead an efficient risk management assessment process. They are so deep in incompetency sh..... they too don't know why it doesn't work.

1 comment:

Little John said...

We might be country but we won this point ..

Not that the libs notice . too busy imagining big roads and railways .......
while Our shires can't even fix our own ..

and charge the earth to live here