Friday, June 02, 2006

These are only the best beaches we have

Thousands of cars and buses move between the boys , the beach and the houses behind . But not for long. (The eroded bit beyond the boys was the sand supply and support system for the beach).

Soon there will be no beach , because the beach ridge is nearly gone .  Even now the sea runs over the Great Ocean Road here in the biggest tourist spot on the SW coast. ( North Apollo Bay)

Why don't our polys talk to this hazard  ? Maybe its too hard for them? . Maybe they need someone who really knows soemething about the environment - not just someone who just talks constantly about it. Solving political problems is celarly different from solving this very practical environmental risk problem ?
It will be very interseting to see whether Colac Otway Shire ever develop a planning system that is effective and up to date .More Here http://

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