Monday, July 01, 2013

How many Heads of Department or Green experts do you need to get lost in the crossfire?

While most of us agree that Corangamite's current environmental planning processes do not work, our councillors have yet to see that they can safely say “no more “on our behalf.  Cr Russell and Cr Crook spoke at Wednesday’s meeting in Colac as if the sky would fall in if they dare resist the foreign bureau bullies who have built and rebuilt this totally unworkable 4 headed monster that manufacturers overlays. Mayor Russell doesn’t seem to realise that by saying No to one overlay, we might lead the State is saying No to many things that don’t work , like the existing LSIO’s and the SIO’s ; 

Sure, one step is only a start, but every step in the right direction gives us all hope.  We might actually get some decisions, instead of piles of unproductive expensive reports and line on map errors to file and fight over .
How many council environment officers does it take to make a decision to cut a branch or mow some grass?  How many reports, consultants or revived DEPI staff does it take to make a decision about a risk on an overlay boundary?  How many lawyers or Infrastructure Environment Officers ( Advertised position June 14th ) are needed to make sure our senior executive service don’t make any decisions they shouldn’t on NVR ?

How much further up the creek do we have to go Mr Crook before you and other councillors realise that we have all had enough of things that don’t actually work.  Your idea to make the person’s in DEPI accountable on the ground was a great idea that needs to be taken further.

Councillors won’t get a rap for saying no to C70 . They can, if they think clearly, have the satisfaction of finding out that all this impost is white noise , real misinformation, bluff and bluster. They can also find out that there is a much better, simpler and more credible way to do biodiversity planning.
Please say clearly to the State’s dumb sets of drawing board operators that their ham fisted linework doesn’t work and would they please stop making our people pay for indecisive, imprecise and overly legalized incompetence. 

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